My inmost heart – Variations on Brahms
Luisa Imorde has searched for clues in order to place selected Brahms works in their very own historical context: What did Brahms draw on? Which compositions did he know himself? And how do musical references unfold their very special effect over the course of history?
Release: NOVEMBER 8th 2023
Image: © Stefan Schilling

Moon Rainbow

„Was die beiden Duo-Partner an bewegter Dynamik, an ausgefeilter Artikulation, an gemeinsam gestalteten Spannungsbögen und Atemzäsuren zustande bringen, mit mal leichtem, mal äußerst robustem Bogenstrich, mit klangfarblich variablen Harmonien und virtuoser Pianistik, das ist kongeniale Interpretation.“
Danke für die tolle Kritik von Günter Schultz und das schöne Foto von Andreas Bischof heute in der Westdeutschen Zeitung über unseren Duoabend! Danke @johannescellist für das wunderbare gemeinsame Musizieren 🙌🎶🙌
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Bei der Eröffnung des neuen Kulturhauses in Kambodscha für Smiling Gecko!
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Die Vorbereitungen laufen auf Hochtouren, der GONG wird in Kürze feierlich eröffnet!
Große Freude und Ehre, dabei sein zu dürfen! 🎹😇😍
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Glückwunsch und eine gute Zeit
Willkommen in Kambodscha 🥳
“Luisa Imorde couples a mature playing technique with an unbridled passion for the piece she is playing and the instrument she is playing it on, resulting in an auditory experience that kindles the spirit and sets the heart aflame” – said the Süddeutsche Zeitung of the young German pianist’s art.
She shares stage with artists like Martha Argerich, Fazil Say or Marie-Luise Neunecker and collaborates on a regular basis with german composer Jörg Widmann. She studied at the University of Music in Cologne and at the Mozarteum Salzburg with Jacques Rouvier.

11:15 AM – 1:00 PM Oldenburgisches Staatstheater. Theaterwall 28, Oldenburg.
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM Wiener Konzerthaus, Schubertsaal. Lothringerstrasse 20, Vienna.

On her new album "Polychromie", which will be released on 06 May 2022, the young German pianist Luisa Imorde lets two composers from France enter into dialogue - François Couperin and Olivier Messiaen.Just as Le Corbusier knew how to bring contrasting colours into perfect harmony with his "Polychromie Architecturale", a similar effect is revealed here: the colours of sound are, as it were, complementary to each other - in a perfectly balanced polychromy.

"Moon Rainbow"
Pianist Luisa Imorde loves innovative combinations: following on from circus dances by Schumann and Widmann and the affair of honour between Woelfl and Beethoven, she now prepares to cast light on Johann Sebastian Bach and Nikolai Kapustin.

1798: Two titans of music meet for a competition of a special kind. Luisa Imorde revives this musical trial of strength at the piano.

in 2018